Balafre 07

Balafre 07

Balafre 07

Don't cross Balafre 07 when he's venereal. The guy's one of those guys who gets pissed off easily. Behind this apparent calm there's a nervous guy who freaks out easily. Aside from his explosive nature, he's also got a big, hairy dick, adorned with big man balls filled with hot, smelly yop. You've got it all figured out: to satisfy this caillera, you've got to shut your mouth, get down on your knees and suck his big cock.
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Balafre's wank

You don't want to run into Balafre 07 when he's pissed off. The guy is one of those guys who gets easily pissed off. Behind this apparent calm there is a volcano that spits fire and cum when he goes crazy. His big, muscular arms are enviable. But it's mainly his underwear, also very well filled, that interests you. Don't worry man, after doing some push-ups and quick exercises, Balafre 07 will show you his sesame. A big hairy cock, with strong man's balls, filled with hot and smelly yop. You got it, get on your knees and suck the boss.