Walid le Zobeur

Walid le Zobeur

Walid le Zobeur

Walid, a dominant guy from the neighborhood is always angry. He loves to fuck bottom guys and to threat them roughly with a lot of insults like "Chow my cock, bitch!". "Come here bitch", "You dirty bitch gets on my dick". Otherwise, this is a civilized guy, who is not in the tricks of any kind. His secret of him is to fuck guys with his always hard Arab cock.
Walid le Zobeur's videos on Citebeur
Walid le Zobeur have played in 13 gay videos on Citebeur.com
There are 7 other videos with Walid le Zobeur on this website There are 7 other videos with Walid le Zobeur on this website
Click here to watch more gay porn videos with Walid le Zobeur Click here to watch more gay porn videos with Walid le Zobeur
Sexualy used by two dominant arab men
Cock-slapped and fucked!
Take my big arab dick bitch!
Angry and hard fucker
Double-Hump for Marc Humper
Walid the barbarian
Restricted area
Badass boys 2 - full movie